Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hi family units-- HOORAY!!!!! SOMETHING WORKED!! The Verizon guy came to install new jacks in the house and found one that worked, rewired it for my office and did not charge me for that!! At last I have internet at HOME!

And I have decided to suck it up and call it home at last. The family clock is up at last, so Richard is himself again. (Do you girls remember that?? It was an expression used by my grandma's neighbor in Humboldt. She would clean her house and arrange everything and then come over and announce to my grandma that "Richard was himself again.." No one ever knew who Richard was and why he was himself, but but it came to mean things are as they should be when before they were topsy turvy.)

Now I am really pining for the rest of my stuff which is stashed in Wisconsin. Maybe November?? I have a guest room and lots of room so I HOPE someone will come stay with me sometime. It was clear THAT was not going to happen in Wisconsin.....

The trash has stopped falling from upstairs--though I am at an uneasy truce with that woman since I KNOW it was she who dumped my huge pot of black-eyed susans in the dumpster last week.....she is pissed because I sicced her grandmother on her for throwing poopy diapers out the window towards--but not into--the uncovered trash bins. I also told the building manager that trash was coming out because the windows on the second floor don't have screens or bars-- a giant code violation since there are babies up there who could fall out. Maybe she called that lady, too......anyway, I was punished for something. Life in the 'hood....

I have been waiting for a month for a cover to be put on over the fluorescent light in my bedroom--the maintenance man came last week and left stuff strewn all over--hasn't been back. Today one of his helpers came down to get water while he is working in another unit. He says the maintenance guy has gone to Italy for a week. Humph.....

I am going to use this e-mail for family and friends, so change from the Lesley one, please-- I will reserve that for business and Lesley stuff and am going to essentially ignore my AOL account. It has become so cumbersome and full of junk--though the Lesley account too is full of junk.

Hurricane Ivan stayed out to sea while going past Downeast Maine, so the neighbors said it rained a lot but not that much wind. They all looked after my stuff and my house--such treasures! (the neighbors, I mean!)

Come on fam-- lets "talk" on e-mail-- who has been reading what, doing what, listening to what? I just read "An Uncommon Reader" by Allen Bennett, who has written LOTS of things you know, including the play and screenplay "History Boys"---this little book is a hilarious send up of the Queen stumbling on a mobile library and becoming a reader instead of a doer. It is priceless. Just started a large volume of stories by Somerset Maugham as a change of pace. Before that, read " The Art of Mending"--which was OK--started off good, better in the middle and then really fizzled.

Comments on NPR about the campaign say that some Republican pundits were so disgusted at the Palin-Kouric interview last week that they are calling for her to step down. We know that won't happen because McCain is nothing if not stubborn, but the dew is off the rose!! Meanwhile Tina Fey is skewering her so well people are gasping!

Much love to you all-- keep in touch- I am lonely from you, as George Bennett always said. BTW-- October marks Aunt Carolie and Uncle Bill's 50th Wedding Anniversary-- nothing much is going to happen because A) Uncle Bill refuses to acknowledge it in any way and B) their kids can't decide on anything-- but WE can all send lovely cards and wishes-- Aunt Carolie would deeply appreciate it-- she is feeling VERY sad/bad about Bill's being so curmudgeonly about this. Kitty, too. I will verify the date and let you all know so you can send some thing PULEEZE. It is also Aunt Carolie's 73rd birthday on the 24th-- My 64th and Uncle Bud's 71st a week late. Kitty's birthday on Wed, but not sure which. WHOOO-- getting up there, aren't we??

Love you all --Mama/Robin

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